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armed services

English Thesaurus

1. the military forces of a nation (
:force, personnel,
definition:group of people willing to obey orders (
:military reserve, reserve,
definition:armed forces that are not on active duty but can be called in an emergency (
definition:a nucleus of military personnel capable of expansion (
:medic, medical officer,
definition:a medical practitioner in the armed forces (noun.person)
:absence without leave, unauthorized absence,
definition:unauthorized military absence (noun.act)
definition:(military) the act of pulling back (especially an orderly withdrawal of troops) (noun.act)
definition:(military) withdrawal of troops to a more favorable position to escape the enemy's superior forces or after a defeat (noun.act)
:stand-down, standdown,
definition:(military) a temporary stop of offensive military action (noun.act)
:disengagement, fallback, pullout,
definition:to break off a military action with an enemy (noun.act)
:amphibious landing,
definition:a military action of coordinated land, sea, and air forces organized for an invasion (noun.act)
definition:the discharge of a firearm as signal or as a salute in military ceremonies (noun.act)
:deactivation, inactivation,
definition:breaking up a military unit (by transfers or discharges) (noun.act)
definition:(military) a march in the reverse direction or back along the same route (noun.act)
:fly-by, flyover, flypast,
definition:a flight at a low altitude (usually of military aircraft) over spectators on the ground (noun.act)
definition:(military) an operational flight by a single aircraft (as in a military operation) (noun.act)
:troop movement,
definition:movement of military units to a new location (noun.act)
:war game,
definition:a simulation of a military operation intended to train military commanders or to demonstrate a situation or to test a proposed strategy (noun.act)
definition:entertainment with military themes in which the Department of Defense is celebrated (noun.act)
definition:a show of military force or preparedness (noun.act)
:national service,
definition:compulsory service in the military during peacetime (noun.act)
:fatigue, fatigue duty,
definition:labor of a nonmilitary kind done by soldiers (cleaning or digging or draining or so on) (noun.act)
:air cover,
definition:the use of military aircraft to provide protection against attack by enemy aircraft during ground or naval operations (noun.act)
:military censorship,
definition:all types of censorship conducted by personnel of the armed forces (noun.act)
definition:a formation of military planes maintained over ground operations or targets (noun.act)
:logistic assessment,
definition:a judgment of the logistic support required for some particular military operation (noun.act)
definition:(military) the training of soldiers to march (as in ceremonial parades) or to perform the manual of arms (noun.act)
:manual, manual of arms,
definition:(military) a prescribed drill in handling a rifle (noun.act)
:military training,
definition:training soldiers in military procedures (noun.act)
:basic training,
definition:the initial period of training for new military personnel; involves intense physical activity and behavioral discipline (noun.act)
:military drill,
definition:training in marching and the use of weapons (noun.act)
:close-order drill,
definition:(military) military drill of troops in standard marching (shoulder-to-shoulder) (noun.act)
definition:drill on a barracks square (noun.act)
:action, military action,
definition:a military engagement (noun.act)
:battle, conflict, engagement, fight,
definition:a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war (noun.act)
:blockade, encirclement,
definition:a war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy (noun.act)
:defence, defense, defensive measure,
definition:(military) military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies (noun.act)
:electronic warfare, ew,
definition:military action involving the use of electromagnetic energy to determine or exploit or reduce or prevent hostile use of the electromagnetic spectrum (noun.act)
:military operation, operation,
definition:activity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign) (noun.act)
:combined operation,
definition:a military operation carried out cooperatively by two or more allied nations or a military operation carried out by coordination of sea, land, and air forces (noun.act)
:police action,
definition:a local military action without declaration of war; against violators of international peace and order (noun.act)
definition:the military action of resisting the enemy's advance (noun.act)
:maneuver, manoeuvre, simulated military operation,
definition:a military training exercise (noun.act)
:armed combat, combat,
definition:an engagement fought between two military forces (noun.act)
:campaign, military campaign,
definition:several related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal (usually within geographical and temporal constraints) (noun.act)
:expedition, hostile expedition, military expedition,
definition:a military campaign designed to achieve a specific objective in a foreign country (noun.act)
:military mission, mission,
definition:an operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters (noun.act)
:sally, sortie,
definition:a military action in which besieged troops burst forth from their position (noun.act)
:reenforcement, reinforcement, support,
definition:a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission (noun.act)
:attack, onrush, onset, onslaught,
definition:(military) an offensive against an enemy (using weapons) (noun.act)
:war, warfare,
definition:the waging of armed conflict against an enemy (noun.act)
definition:close fighting during the culmination of a military attack (noun.act)
:blitz, blitzkrieg,
definition:a swift and violent military offensive with intensive aerial bombardment (noun.act)
definition:a process in which individuals (or small groups) penetrate an area (especially the military penetration of enemy positions without detection) (noun.act)
:peacekeeping, peacekeeping mission, peacekeeping operation,
definition:the activity of keeping the peace by military forces (especially when international military forces enforce a truce between hostile groups or nations) (noun.act)
:amphibious operation,
definition:a military operation by both land and sea forces (noun.act)
:psychological operation, psyop,
definition:military actions designed to influence the perceptions and attitudes of individuals, groups, and foreign governments (noun.act)
:muster call,
definition:a call of the names of personnel at a military assembly (noun.act)
:military ceremony,
definition:a military custom performed in observance of some event or anniversary (noun.act)
:beleaguering, besieging, military blockade, siege,
definition:the action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified place and isolates it while continuing to attack (noun.act)
:nuclear deterrence,
definition:the military doctrine that an enemy will be deterred from using nuclear weapons as long as he can be destroyed as a consequence (noun.act)
definition:(military) a tunnel dug to defeat similar activities by the enemy (noun.act)
:military control, occupation,
definition:the control of a country by military forces of a foreign power (noun.act)
:conscription, draft, muster, selective service,
definition:compulsory military service (noun.act)
definition:a trial that is conducted by a military court (noun.act)
:logistic assistance, logistic support,
definition:assistance between and within military commands (noun.act)
:inter-service support,
definition:action by one military service to provide logistic (or administrative) support to another military service (noun.act)
:air base, air station,
definition:a base for military aircraft (noun.artifact)
definition:weaponry used by military or naval force (noun.artifact)
:armored car, armoured car,
definition:a military combat vehicle on wheels with light armor (and usually a machine gun) (noun.artifact)
:apc, armored personnel carrier, armoured personnel carrier,
definition:(military) an armored vehicle (usually equipped with caterpillar treads) that is used to transport infantry (noun.artifact)
:armory, armoury, arsenal,
definition:a military structure where arms and ammunition and other military equipment are stored and training is given in the use of arms (noun.artifact)
:assault gun, assault rifle,
definition:any of the automatic rifles or semiautomatic rifles with large magazines designed for military use (noun.artifact)
:attack submarine,
definition:a military submarine designed and armed to attack enemy shipping (noun.artifact)
definition:United States military aircraft; B- stands for bomber (noun.artifact)
definition:a building or group of buildings used to house military personnel (noun.artifact)
:base, base of operations,
definition:installation from which a military force initiates operations (noun.artifact)
:battle dress,
definition:a military uniform designed for field service (noun.artifact)
definition:lodging for military personnel (especially in a private home) (noun.artifact)
definition:a military aircraft that drops bombs during flight (noun.artifact)
:boot camp,
definition:camp for training military recruits (noun.artifact)
definition:a two-wheeled military vehicle carrying artillery ammunition (noun.artifact)
:bivouac, camp, cantonment, encampment,
definition:temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers (noun.artifact)
:command post, general headquarters, ghq,
definition:military headquarters from which a military commander controls and organizes the forces (noun.artifact)
definition:a retail store that sells equipment and provisions (usually to military personnel) (noun.artifact)
:aid station, dressing station,
definition:(military) a station located near a combat area for giving first aid to the wounded (noun.artifact)
:dress uniform,
definition:a military uniform worn on formal occasions (noun.artifact)
definition:military installation consisting of a prepared position for siting a weapon (noun.artifact)
definition:military uniform worn by military personnel when doing menial labor (noun.artifact)
:field hospital,
definition:a temporary military hospital near the battle lines (noun.artifact)
:attack aircraft, fighter, fighter aircraft,
definition:a high-speed military or naval airplane designed to destroy enemy aircraft in the air (noun.artifact)
:fire control radar,
definition:naval radar that controls the delivery of fire on a military target (noun.artifact)
:fire control system,
definition:naval weaponry consisting of a system for controlling the delivery of fire on a military target (noun.artifact)
:full-dress uniform,
definition:the naval or military uniform that is specified by regulations to be worn on ceremonial occasions (noun.artifact)
:fort, garrison,
definition:a fortified military post where troops are stationed (noun.artifact)
:gas shell,
definition:(military) bomb consisting of an explosive projectile filled with a toxic gas that is released when the bomb explodes (noun.artifact)
definition:a military facility that serves as the headquarters for military police and in which military prisoners can be detained (noun.artifact)
:gun room,
definition:military quarters of midshipmen and junior officers on a British warship (noun.artifact)
:half track,
definition:a motor vehicle propelled by half tracks; frequently used by the military (noun.artifact)
definition:major items of military weaponry (as tanks or missile) (noun.artifact)
:headquarters, hq, military headquarters,
definition:the military installation from which a commander performs the functions of command (noun.artifact)
:hospital train,
definition:a military train built to transport wounded troops to a hospital (noun.artifact)
:army hut, field hut, hut,
definition:temporary military shelter (noun.artifact)
definition:an encampment of huts (chiefly military) (noun.artifact)
definition:a public toilet in a military area (noun.artifact)
:equipage, materiel,
definition:equipment and supplies of a military force (noun.artifact)
:mess, mess hall,
definition:a (large) military dining room where service personnel eat or relax (noun.artifact)
:military hospital,
definition:hospital for soldiers and other military personnel (noun.artifact)
:military installation,
definition:any facility servicing military forces (noun.artifact)
:military post, post,
definition:military installation at which a body of troops is stationed (noun.artifact)
:military quarters,
definition:living quarters for personnel on a military post (noun.artifact)
:military uniform,
definition:prescribed identifying uniform for soldiers (noun.artifact)
:military vehicle,
definition:vehicle used by the armed forces (noun.artifact)
:minute gun,
definition:(military) gun that is discharged once every minute (usually as part of a military funeral) (noun.artifact)
:naval installation, shore station,
definition:military installation servicing naval forces (noun.artifact)
:naval shipyard, navy yard,
definition:a military shipyard (noun.artifact)
:olive drab, olive-drab uniform,
definition:military uniform of the United States Army; made from cloth of a dull olive color (noun.artifact)
definition:a military post stationed at a distance from the main body of troops (noun.artifact)
:personnel carrier,
definition:a military vehicle (usually armored) for transporting military personnel and their equipment (noun.artifact)
definition:a vehicle performing sentinel duty (noun.artifact)
:platform, weapons platform,
definition:any military structure or vehicle bearing weapons (noun.artifact)
definition:living accommodations (especially those assigned to military personnel) (noun.artifact)
:reconnaissance plane,
definition:a military airplane used to gain information about an enemy (noun.artifact)
:reconnaissance vehicle, scout car,
definition:fast armored military vehicle with four-wheel drive and open top (noun.artifact)
definition:(military) a temporary or supplementary fortification; typically square or polygonal without flanking defenses (noun.artifact)
definition:the military uniform and insignia of a regiment (noun.artifact)
:rocket base,
definition:a military base for rocket missiles (noun.artifact)
definition:military installation consisting of an underground structure where ballistic missiles can be stored and fired (noun.artifact)
:smoke screen, smokescreen,
definition:(military) screen consisting of a cloud of smoke that obscures movements (noun.artifact)
:precision rifle, sniper rifle,
definition:an extremely powerful rifle developed for the military; capable of destroying light armored vehicles and aircraft more than a mile away (noun.artifact)
:armored combat vehicle, armoured combat vehicle, army tank, tank,
definition:an enclosed armored military vehicle; has a cannon and moves on caterpillar treads (noun.artifact)
:transport ship,
definition:a ship for carrying soldiers or military equipment (noun.artifact)
:troop carrier, troop transport,
definition:any land or sea or air vehicle designed to carry troops (noun.artifact)
definition:military quarters for dining and recreation for officers of a warship (except the captain) (noun.artifact)
:military plane, warplane,
definition:an aircraft designed and used for combat (noun.artifact)
:combat ship, war vessel, warship,
definition:a government ship that is available for waging war (noun.artifact)
:w.m.d., weapon of mass destruction, wmd,
definition:a weapon that kills or injures civilian as well as military personnel (nuclear and chemical and biological weapons) (noun.artifact)
:weapons carrier,
definition:military vehicle that is a light truck designed to carry mortars or machine guns and their crews (noun.artifact)
:sea power,
definition:naval strength (noun.attribute)
definition:a motionless erect stance with arms at the sides and feet together; assumed by military personnel during drill or review (noun.attribute)
:military capability, military posture, military strength, posture, strength,
definition:capability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war (noun.attribute)
definition:(military) the relative capacity for delivering fire on a target (noun.attribute)
definition:the leadership ability of a military general (noun.cognition)
:military science,
definition:the discipline dealing with the principles of warfare (noun.cognition)
definition:the branch of military science dealing with detailed maneuvers to achieve objectives set by strategy (noun.cognition)
definition:the branch of military science dealing with military command and the planning and conduct of a war (noun.cognition)
:commission, military commission,
definition:an official document issued by a government and conferring on the recipient the rank of an officer in the armed forces (noun.communication)
:muster roll,
definition:a list of names of officers and men in a military unit or ship's company (noun.communication)
:military greeting, salute,
definition:a formal military gesture of respect (noun.communication)
:military intelligence,
definition:information about the armed forces of another country that is useful in planning and conducting military policy or military operations (noun.communication)
:liberty chit, pass,
definition:a permit to enter or leave a military installation (noun.communication)
:lights-out, taps,
definition:(military) signal to turn the lights out (noun.communication)
:reveille, wake-up signal,
definition:(military) signal to wake up (noun.communication)
definition:(military) a bugle call signaling the lowering of the flag at sunset (noun.communication)
definition:(military) a signal to begin a withdrawal from a dangerous position (noun.communication)
definition:(military) the beating of a drum as a signal for lowering the flag at sundown (noun.communication)
definition:a drumbeat or bugle call that signals the military to return to their quarters (noun.communication)
:insignia of rank,
definition:an insignia worn on a military uniform (noun.communication)
definition:(often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed (noun.communication)
:call up,
definition:an order to report for military duty (noun.communication)
definition:detailed instructions, as for a military operation (noun.communication)
:strategic warning,
definition:(military) a warning prior to the start of a threatening act (noun.communication)
:tactical warning,
definition:(military) a warning after the initiation of a hostile act (noun.communication)
:warning of attack,
definition:a warning to national policy makers that an enemy intends to launch an attack in the near future (noun.communication)
:warning of war,
definition:a warning to national policy makers that an enemy intends war or is preparing for war and is on a course that increases the risk of war (noun.communication)
:chevron, grade insignia, stripe, stripes,
definition:V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service (noun.communication)
definition:a piece of braid, usually on the sleeve, indicating military rank or length of service (noun.communication)
:damage, equipment casualty,
definition:loss of military equipment (noun.event)
:battle damage, combat casualty,
definition:loss of military equipment in battle (noun.event)
:operational casualty, operational damage,
definition:loss of military equipment in field operations (noun.event)
definition:a decrease of military personnel or equipment (noun.event)
:combat injury, injury, wound,
definition:a casualty to military personnel resulting from combat (noun.event)
:loss, personnel casualty,
definition:military personnel lost by death or capture (noun.event)
:collateral damage,
definition:(euphemism) inadvertent casualties and destruction inflicted on civilians in the course of military operations (noun.event)
:military ceremony,
definition:a formal ceremony performed by military personnel (noun.event)
:trip wire,
definition:a small military force that serves as a first line of defense; if they become engaged in hostilities it will trigger the intervention of stronger military forces (
:joint chiefs, joint chiefs of staff,
definition:the executive agency that advises the President on military questions; composed of the chiefs of the United States Army and the United States Navy and the United States Air Force and the commandant of the United States Marine Corps (
definition:a military unit or region under the control of a single officer (
:task force,
definition:a temporary military unit formed to accomplish a particular objective (
:army unit,
definition:a military unit that is part of an army (
:army, ground forces, regular army,
definition:a permanent organization of the military land forces of a nation or state (
:naval unit,
definition:a military unit that is part of a navy (
:naval forces, navy,
definition:an organization of military vessels belonging to a country and available for sea warfare (
definition:a military service responsible for the safety of maritime traffic in coastal waters (
definition:members of a body of troops trained to serve on land or at sea (
:air unit,
definition:a military unit that is part of the airforce (
:air force, airforce,
definition:the airborne branch of a country's armed forces (
:armor, armour,
definition:a military unit consisting of armored fighting vehicles (
:armed service, military service, service,
definition:a force that is a branch of the armed forces (
:force, military force, military group, military unit,
definition:a unit that is part of some military service (
:military reserve, reserve,
definition:armed forces that are not on active duty but can be called in an emergency (
definition:the United States military establishment (
:military police, mp,
definition:a military corps that enforces discipline and guards prisoners (
:shore patrol,
definition:the military police of the navy (
definition:small military unit; usually two or three platoons (
definition:a military unit that is a subdivision of a company; usually has a headquarters and two or more squads; usually commanded by a lieutenant (
definition:a detachment assigned to protect the rear of a (retreating) military body (
definition:a unit of military aircraft (
definition:a body of troops arranged in a line (
definition:a body of troops in close array (
:military academy,
definition:an academy for training military officers (
:naval academy,
definition:an academy for training naval officers (
:air force academy,
definition:an academy for training air force officers (
:drumhead court-martial,
definition:a military court convened to hear urgent charges of offenses committed in action (
definition:a military court to try members of the armed services who are accused of serious breaches of martial law (
:military court,
definition:a judicial court of commissioned officers for the discipline and punishment of military personnel (
:provost court,
definition:a military court for trying people charged with minor offenses in an occupied area (
:defense intelligence agency, dia,
definition:an intelligence agency of the United States in the Department of Defense; is responsible for providing intelligence in support of military planning and operations and weapons acquisition (
:artillery, artillery unit,
definition:an army unit that uses big guns (
definition:musketeers and their muskets collectively (
definition:group of guns or missile launchers operated together at one place (
definition:a highly mobile army unit (
:horse cavalry,
definition:an army unit mounted on horseback (
:mechanized cavalry,
definition:an armored unit of a modern army equipped with motor vehicles (
:foot, infantry,
definition:an army unit consisting of soldiers who fight on foot (
definition:infantry trained and equipped to parachute (
:militia, reserves,
definition:civilians trained as soldiers but not part of the regular army (
definition:the entire body of physically fit civilians eligible by law for military service (
:home guard,
definition:a volunteer unit formed to defend the homeland while the regular army is fighting elsewhere (
:territorial, territorial reserve,
definition:a territorial military unit (
:home reserve, national guard,
definition:United States military reserves recruited by the states and equipped by the federal government; subject to call by either (
:standing army,
definition:a permanent army of paid soldiers (
:army, u. s. army, united states army, us army, usa,
definition:the army of the United States of America; the agency that organizes and trains soldiers for land warfare (
:united states army rangers,
definition:a specially trained elite unit of the United States Army (
:united states military academy, us military academy,
definition:a school for training men and women to become officers in the United States Army (
:ai, army intelligence,
definition:an agency of the United States Army responsible for providing timely and relevant and accurate and synchronized intelligence to tactical and operational and strategic level commanders (
:army national guard, arng,
definition:a civilian reserve component of the United States Army comprised of guardsmen who serve during overseas peacekeeping missions and during local emergencies (
:military personnel, soldiery, troops,
definition:soldiers collectively (
definition:troops belonging to or allied with your own military forces (
definition:troops belonging to the enemy's military forces (
:cavalry, horse, horse cavalry,
definition:troops trained to fight on horseback (
definition:the troops who maintain and guard a fortified place (
:rank, rank and file,
definition:the ordinary members of an organization (such as the enlisted soldiers of an army) (
definition:an amphibious military unit trained for raids into enemy territory (
:contingent, detail,
definition:a temporary military unit (
:general staff,
definition:military officers assigned to assist a senior officer in planning military policy (
definition:(plural) a military unit consisting of a commander and the headquarters staff (
:headquarters staff,
definition:military staff stationed at headquarters (
:high command, supreme headquarters,
definition:the highest leaders in an organization (e.g. the commander-in-chief and senior officers of the military) (
definition:the leading military unit in an attack (
:firing party, firing squad,
definition:a squad formed to fire volleys at a military funeral or to carry out a military execution (
:military formation,
definition:a formation of troops (
:open order,
definition:a military formation leaving enough space between ranks to allow an inspecting officer to pass (
:close order,
definition:a military formation for drill or marching (
:extended order,
definition:a military formation for skirmishing; as widely separated as the tactical situation permits (
:sick call, sick parade,
definition:the daily military formation at which individuals report to the medical officer as sick (
definition:a line of units following one after another (
:chow line,
definition:a queue of people waiting for food to be served (especially at a military camp) (
:air power, aviation,
definition:the aggregation of a country's military aircraft (
:martial law,
definition:the body of law imposed by the military over civilian affairs (usually in time of war or civil crisis); overrides civil law (
:military law,
definition:the body of laws and rules of conduct administered by military courts for the discipline, trial, and punishment of military personnel (
definition:a gathering of military personnel for duty (
definition:the middle of a military or naval formation (
:flank, wing,
definition:the side of military or naval formation (
definition:the front of a military formation or procession (
definition:the back of a military formation or procession (
definition:a region in which explosives mines have been placed (noun.location)
:field, field of operations, theater, theater of operations, theatre, theatre of operations,
definition:a region in which active military operations are in progress (noun.location)
definition:a fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops) (noun.location)
:line of battle,
definition:a line formed by troops or ships prepared to deliver or receive an attack (noun.location)
definition:(military) the part of the line of battle that projects closest to the enemy (noun.location)
:battle line,
definition:the line along which warring troops meet (noun.location)
:military position, position,
definition:a point occupied by troops for tactical reasons (noun.location)
:staging area,
definition:an area where troops and equipment in transit are assembled before a military operation (noun.location)
definition:a portion of a military position (noun.location)
:combat area, combat zone,
definition:a military area where combat forces operate (noun.location)
:war zone,
definition:a combat zone where military operations are coordinated (especially a designated area in international waters where the rights of neutrals are not respected by nations at war) (noun.location)
:drop zone, dropping zone,
definition:an agreed area where military supplies are dropped to ground troops (noun.location)
:west point,
definition:United States Army installation on the west bank of Hudson river to the north of New York City; site of United States Military Academy (noun.location)
definition:a person who holds a commissioned rank in the United States Navy or the United States Coast Guard; below lieutenant junior grade (noun.person)
:adjutant, aide, aide-de-camp,
definition:an officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officer (noun.person)
:air attache,
definition:a military attache who is a commissioned or warrant officer in an air force (noun.person)
:army attache,
definition:a military attache who is a commissioned or warrant officer in an army (noun.person)
:army engineer, military engineer,
definition:a member of the military who is trained in engineering and construction work (noun.person)
:army officer,
definition:an officer in the armed forces (noun.person)
definition:a player in a band (especially a military band) (noun.person)
:brass hat,
definition:a high-ranking military officer (noun.person)
:cadet, plebe,
definition:a military trainee (as at a military academy) (noun.person)
:captain, skipper,
definition:the naval officer in command of a military ship (noun.person)
definition:an officer holding a rank below a major but above a lieutenant (noun.person)
definition:someone injured or killed or captured or missing in a military engagement (noun.person)
:chief of staff,
definition:the senior officer of a service of the armed forces (noun.person)
:chief petty officer,
definition:a person with the senior noncommissioned naval rank (noun.person)
definition:a commissioned military officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines who ranks above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier general (noun.person)
:color bearer, standard-bearer,
definition:the soldier who carries the standard of the unit in military parades or in battle (noun.person)
:combat pilot,
definition:airplane pilot who fights in an action between two military forces (noun.person)
definition:a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a lieutenant commander and below a captain (noun.person)
:commandant, commander, commanding officer,
definition:an officer in command of a military unit (noun.person)
:commando, ranger,
definition:a member of a military unit trained as shock troops for hit-and-run raids (noun.person)
:commissioned officer,
definition:a military officer holding a commission (noun.person)
:commissioned military officer,
definition:a commissioned officer in the Army or Air Force or Marine Corps (noun.person)
:commissioned naval officer,
definition:a commissioned officer in the navy (noun.person)
definition:a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a captain and below a rear admiral; the lowest grade of admiral (noun.person)
:defense contractor,
definition:a contractor concerned with the development and manufacture of systems of defense (noun.person)
:defector, deserter,
definition:a person who abandons their duty (as on a military post) (noun.person)
:desk officer,
definition:a military officer who is not assigned to active duty (noun.person)
:conscript, draftee, inductee,
definition:someone who is drafted into military service (noun.person)
:drill instructor, drill master,
definition:a noncommissioned officer who instructs recruits in military marching and discipline (noun.person)
:enemy, foe, foeman, opposition,
definition:an armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing military force) (noun.person)
:executive officer,
definition:the officer second in command (noun.person)
:field marshal,
definition:an officer holding the highest rank in the army (noun.person)
:field officer, field-grade officer, fo,
definition:an officer holding the rank of major or lieutenant colonel or colonel (noun.person)
:fighter pilot,
definition:a military or naval pilot of fighter planes (noun.person)
:flag officer,
definition:a senior naval officer above the rank of captain (noun.person)
definition:a soldier who is a member of a detachment assigned to guard the flanks of a military formation (noun.person)
:full general, general,
definition:a general officer of the highest rank (noun.person)
:general officer,
definition:officers in the Army or Air Force or Marines above the rank of colonel (noun.person)
:inspector general,
definition:a military officer responsible for investigations (noun.person)
:judge advocate,
definition:a staff officer serving as legal adviser to a military commander (noun.person)
:judge advocate,
definition:an officer assigned to the judge advocate general (noun.person)
:judge advocate general,
definition:the senior legal advisor to a branch of the military (noun.person)
definition:a commissioned military officer (noun.person)
definition:an officer holding a commissioned rank in the United States Navy or the United States Coast Guard; below lieutenant commander and above lieutenant junior grade (noun.person)
:lieutenant colonel, light colonel,
definition:a commissioned officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines holding a rank above major and below colonel (noun.person)
:lieutenant commander,
definition:a commissioned officer in the Navy ranking above a lieutenant and below a commander (noun.person)
:lieutenant general,
definition:a general officer ranking above a major general and below a full general (noun.person)
:lieutenant jg, lieutenant junior grade,
definition:an officer holding a commissioned rank in the United States Navy or United States Coast Guard; below lieutenant and above ensign (noun.person)
definition:a commissioned military officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines; below lieutenant colonel and above captain (noun.person)
definition:a general officer ranking above a brigadier general and below a lieutenant general (noun.person)
:devil dog, leatherneck, marine, shipboard soldier,
definition:a member of the United States Marine Corps (noun.person)
:marine engineer, naval engineer,
definition:a naval officer responsible for the operation and maintenance of the ship's engines (noun.person)
:marshal, marshall,
definition:(in some countries) a military officer of highest rank (noun.person)
definition:a temporary rank held by young naval officers in training (noun.person)
:military adviser, military advisor,
definition:a military officer who serves as an adviser to the troops of an allied nation (noun.person)
:holy joe, military chaplain, padre, sky pilot,
definition:a chaplain in one of the military services (noun.person)
:military leader,
definition:a leader of military forces (noun.person)
:military officer, officer,
definition:any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command (noun.person)
:military policeman, mp,
definition:a member of the military police who polices soldiers and guards prisoners (noun.person)
:naval attache,
definition:a military attache who is a commissioned or warrant officer in a navy (noun.person)
:naval commander,
definition:naval officer in command of a fleet of warships (noun.person)
:naval officer,
definition:an officer in the navy (noun.person)
:navy seal, seal,
definition:a member of a Naval Special Warfare unit who is trained for unconventional warfare (noun.person)
:enlisted officer, noncom, noncommissioned officer,
definition:a military officer appointed from enlisted personnel (noun.person)
definition:a member of a military force who is residing in a conquered foreign country (noun.person)
definition:a member of a military force that is assigned (often with international sanction) to preserve peace in a trouble area (noun.person)
:provost marshal,
definition:the supervisor of the military police (noun.person)
definition:a member of a military reserve (noun.person)
definition:a military engineer who does sapping (digging trenches or undermining fortifications) (noun.person)
definition:a military engineer who lays or detects and disarms mines (noun.person)
:section eight,
definition:a soldier who received a Section Eight discharge as unfit for military service (noun.person)
:man, military man, military personnel, serviceman,
definition:someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force (noun.person)
:shirker, slacker,
definition:a person who shirks his work or duty (especially one who tries to evade military service in wartime) (noun.person)
definition:a new military recruit (noun.person)
:spy, undercover agent,
definition:(military) a secret agent hired by a state to obtain information about its enemies or by a business to obtain industrial secrets from competitors (noun.person)
:staff officer,
definition:a commissioned officer assigned to a military commander's staff (noun.person)
definition:someone receiving intensive training for a naval technical rating (noun.person)
definition:a British commissioned army officer below the rank of captain (noun.person)
definition:nonprofessional soldier member of a territorial military unit (noun.person)
:military volunteer, voluntary, volunteer,
definition:(military) a person who freely enlists for service (noun.person)
:warrant officer,
definition:holds rank by virtue of a warrant (noun.person)
:weekend warrior,
definition:a reservist who fulfills the military obligation on weekends (noun.person)
:foreign aid,
definition:aid (such as economic or military assistance) provided to one nation by another (noun.possession)
:government issue, issue, military issue,
definition:supplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the government (noun.possession)
:preparation, preparedness, readiness,
definition:the state of having been made ready or prepared for use or action (especially military action) (noun.state)
:military rank, military rating, paygrade, rating,
definition:rank in a military organization (noun.state)
:flag rank,
definition:the rank of a flag officer (noun.state)
:spit and polish,
definition:careful attention to order and appearance (as in the military) (noun.state)
definition:(military) a written leave of absence (noun.time)
:compassionate leave,
definition:(military) leave granted in an emergency such as family sickness or death (noun.time)
:field day,
definition:(military) a day for military exercises and display (noun.time)
definition:eat in a mess hall (verb.consumption)
definition:make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one's own by quitting or fleeing (verb.motion)
definition:separate (a small unit) from a larger, especially for a special assignment (verb.motion)
:billet, canton, quarter,
definition:provide housing for (military personnel) (verb.stative)
definition:(military) set up and placed on active assignment (adj.all)
definition:(used of persons or the military) characterized by having or bearing arms (adj.all)
definition:(used of persons or the military) not having or using arms (adj.all)
:armored, armoured,
definition:protected by armor (used of persons or things military) (adj.all)
:unarmored, unarmoured,
definition:(used of persons or things military) without protective armor (adj.all)
:accoutered, accoutred,
definition:provided with necessary articles of equipment for a specialized purpose (especially military) (adj.all)
definition:(used of military forces) designed for military operations abroad (adj.all)
definition:(military) of or intended for or involved in military operations (adj.all)
:active, combat-ready, fighting,
definition:engaged in or ready for military or naval operations (adj.all)
definition:ready for service (adj.all)
:inactive, nonoperational,
definition:(military) not involved in military operations (adj.all)
definition:(used of the military) belonging to or engaged in by legitimate army forces (adj.all)
:militarise, militarize,
definition:lend a military character to (a country), as by building up a military force (verb.competition)
definition:imbued with militarism (adj.all)
:militarise, militarize,
definition:lend a military character to (a country), as by building up a military force (verb.competition)
definition:imbued with militarism (adj.all)

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