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English Thesaurus

1. a sandpiper that breeds in the Arctic and winters in the southern hemisphere (noun.animal)
definition:any of numerous usually small wading birds having a slender bill and piping call; closely related to the plovers (noun.animal)
:calidris, genus calidris,
definition:a genus of Scolopacidae (noun.animal)
2. any of various fastenings formed by looping and tying a rope (or cord) upon itself or to another rope or to another object (noun.artifact)
:fastener, fastening, fixing, holdfast,
definition:restraint that attaches to something or holds something in place (noun.artifact)
:barrel knot, blood knot,
definition:a knot used for tying fishing leaders together; the ends of the two leaders are wrapped around each other two or three times (noun.artifact)
:bow, bowknot,
definition:a knot with two loops and loose ends; used to tie shoelaces (noun.artifact)
:carrick bend,
definition:a knot used to connect the ends of two large ropes or hawsers (noun.artifact)
:clove hitch,
definition:a knot used to fasten a line temporarily to a post or spar (noun.artifact)
:figure eight, figure of eight,
definition:a knot having the shape of the numeral 8; tied in a rope that has been passed through a hole or pulley and that prevents the rope from coming loose (noun.artifact)
:fisherman's bend,
definition:a knot for tying a line to a spar or ring (noun.artifact)
:fisherman's knot, true lover's knot, truelove knot,
definition:a knot for tying the ends of two lines together (noun.artifact)
:gordian knot,
definition:an intricate knot tied by Gordius, the king of Phrygia, and cut by the sword of Alexander the Great after he heard that whoever undid it would become ruler of Asia (noun.artifact)
:half hitch,
definition:a knot used to fasten a rope temporarily to an object; usually tied double (noun.artifact)
:hawser bend,
definition:a knot uniting the ends of two lines (noun.artifact)
definition:a knot that can be undone by pulling against the strain that holds it; a temporary knot (noun.artifact)
:loop knot,
definition:any of various knots used to make a fixed loop in a rope (noun.artifact)
:love knot, lover's knot, lovers' knot, true lover's knot, true lovers' knot,
definition:a stylized or decorative knot used as an emblem of love (noun.artifact)
:overhand knot,
definition:a simple small knot (often used as part of other knots) (noun.artifact)
:prolonge knot, sailor's breastplate,
definition:a knot in the rope used to drag a gun carriage (noun.artifact)
definition:a knot for shortening a line (noun.artifact)
definition:a knot at the end of a cord or rope that can slip along the cord or rope around which it is made (noun.artifact)
:square knot,
definition:a double knot made of two half hitches and used to join the ends of two cords (noun.artifact)
:stopper knot,
definition:a knot that prevents a rope from passing through a hole (noun.artifact)
:surgeon's knot,
definition:any of several knots used in tying stitches or ligatures (noun.artifact)
:turk's head,
definition:an ornamental knot that resembles a small turban (noun.artifact)
3. soft lump or unevenness in a yarn; either an imperfection or created by design (noun.attribute)
:raggedness, roughness,
definition:a texture of a surface or edge that is not smooth but is irregular and uneven (noun.attribute)
4. a tight cluster of people or things (
:bunch, clump, cluster, clustering,
definition:a grouping of a number of similar things (
5. a unit of length used in navigation; exactly 1,852 meters; historically based on the distance spanned by one minute of arc in latitude (noun.quantity)
:nautical linear unit,
definition:a linear unit of distance used in navigation (noun.quantity)
6. something twisted and tight and swollen (noun.shape)
:distorted shape, distortion,
definition:a shape resulting from distortion (noun.shape)
7. a hard cross-grained round piece of wood in a board where a branch emerged (noun.substance)
definition:the hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees (noun.substance)
:board, plank,
definition:a stout length of sawn timber; made in a wide variety of sizes and used for many purposes (noun.substance)
8. tie or fasten into a knot (
:bind, tie,
definition:fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord (
9. tangle or complicate (
:enlace, entwine, interlace, intertwine, lace, twine,
definition:spin,wind, or twist together (
10. make into knots; make knots out of (verb.creation)
:create from raw material, create from raw stuff,
definition:make from scratch (verb.creation)
definition:make knotted patterns (verb.creation)
11. any of various fastenings formed by looping and tying a rope (or cord) upon itself or to another rope or to another object (noun.artifact)
definition:tie or fasten into a knot (
:knotty, snarled, snarly,
definition:tangled in knots or snarls (adj.all)
12. soft lump or unevenness in a yarn; either an imperfection or created by design (noun.attribute)
definition:remove the burls from cloth (verb.change)
13. a unit of length used in navigation; exactly 1,852 meters; historically based on the distance spanned by one minute of arc in latitude (noun.quantity)
definition:(used only in combinations) the length of something in miles (noun.quantity)
14. something twisted and tight and swollen (noun.shape)
definition:twist into a state of deformity (
:knot, ravel, tangle,
definition:tangle or complicate (
definition:make into knots; make knots out of (verb.creation)
:knotty, snarled, snarly,
definition:tangled in knots or snarls (adj.all)
:gnarled, gnarly, knobbed, knotted, knotty,
definition:used of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or knots (adj.all)
15. tie or fasten into a knot (
definition:any of various fastenings formed by looping and tying a rope (or cord) upon itself or to another rope or to another object (noun.artifact)
16. tangle or complicate (
:unknot, unpick, unravel, unscramble, untangle,
definition:become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of (
:ravel, ravel out, unravel,
definition:disentangle (
:maze, snarl, tangle,
definition:something jumbled or confused (noun.cognition)
:ladder, ravel, run,
definition:a row of unravelled stitches (noun.event)
:gnarl, knot, gnarl, knot,
definition:something twisted and tight and swollen (noun.shape)
17. any of various fastenings formed by looping and tying a rope (or cord) upon itself or to another rope or to another object (noun.artifact)
definition:tie or fasten into a knot (
:knotty, snarled, snarly,
definition:tangled in knots or snarls (adj.all)
18. soft lump or unevenness in a yarn; either an imperfection or created by design (noun.attribute)
definition:remove the burls from cloth (verb.change)
19. a unit of length used in navigation; exactly 1,852 meters; historically based on the distance spanned by one minute of arc in latitude (noun.quantity)
definition:(used only in combinations) the length of something in miles (noun.quantity)
20. something twisted and tight and swollen (noun.shape)
definition:twist into a state of deformity (
:knot, ravel, tangle,
definition:tangle or complicate (
definition:make into knots; make knots out of (verb.creation)
:knotty, snarled, snarly,
definition:tangled in knots or snarls (adj.all)
:gnarled, gnarly, knobbed, knotted, knotty,
definition:used of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or knots (adj.all)
21. tie or fasten into a knot (
definition:any of various fastenings formed by looping and tying a rope (or cord) upon itself or to another rope or to another object (noun.artifact)
22. tangle or complicate (
:unknot, unpick, unravel, unscramble, untangle,
definition:become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of (
:ravel, ravel out, unravel,
definition:disentangle (
:maze, snarl, tangle,
definition:something jumbled or confused (noun.cognition)
:ladder, ravel, run,
definition:a row of unravelled stitches (noun.event)
:gnarl, knot, gnarl, knot,
definition:something twisted and tight and swollen (noun.shape)

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