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1. indicate by signs (verb.communication)
:bespeak, betoken, indicate, point, signal,
definition:be a signal for or a symptom of (verb.communication)
definition:to be a menacing indication of something: (verb.communication)
definition:foretell by divine inspiration (verb.communication)
2. make a prediction about; tell in advance (verb.communication)
:guess, hazard, pretend, venture,
definition:put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation (verb.communication)
definition:interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky; also of human behavior (verb.cognition)
:outguess, second-guess,
definition:attempt to anticipate or predict (verb.communication)
definition:predict from an omen (verb.communication)
:bet, wager,
definition:maintain with or as if with a bet (verb.communication)
:calculate, forecast,
definition:predict in advance (verb.communication)
:prophesy, vaticinate,
definition:predict or reveal through, or as if through, divine inspiration (verb.communication)
3. foreshadow or presage (verb.communication)
definition:let something be known (verb.communication)
4. indicate by signs (verb.communication)
:adumbration, foreshadowing, prefiguration,
definition:the act of providing vague advance indications; representing beforehand (noun.cognition)
:forecast, prognosis,
definition:a prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop (noun.communication)
:omen, portent, presage, prodigy, prognostic, prognostication,
definition:a sign of something about to happen (noun.event)
definition:a favorable omen (noun.event)
:augur, auspex,
definition:(ancient Rome) a religious official who interpreted omens to guide public policy (noun.person)
:adumbrative, foreshadowing, prefigurative,
definition:indistinctly prophetic (adj.all)
:predictive, prognostic, prognosticative,
definition:of or relating to prediction; having value for making predictions (adj.all)
5. make a prediction about; tell in advance (verb.communication)
:anticipation, prediction, prevision,
definition:the act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future) (noun.cognition)
:prognostication, prophecy, vaticination,
definition:knowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source) (noun.cognition)
:forecasting, foretelling, prediction, prognostication,
definition:a statement made about the future (noun.communication)
:forecast, prognosis,
definition:a prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop (noun.communication)
definition:an unfavorable omen (noun.event)
:boding, foreboding, premonition, presentiment,
definition:a feeling of evil to come (noun.feeling)
:forecaster, predictor, prognosticator, soothsayer,
definition:someone who makes predictions of the future (usually on the basis of special knowledge) (noun.person)
:anticipatory, prevenient,
definition:in anticipation (adj.all)
:predictive, prognostic, prognosticative,
definition:of or relating to prediction; having value for making predictions (adj.all)
6. foreshadow or presage (verb.communication)
definition:an indicator that announces which electrical circuit has been active (as on a telephone switchboard) (noun.artifact)
:forerunner, harbinger, herald, precursor, predecessor,
definition:something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone (noun.communication)
7. indicate by signs (verb.communication)
:adumbration, foreshadowing, prefiguration,
definition:the act of providing vague advance indications; representing beforehand (noun.cognition)
:forecast, prognosis,
definition:a prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop (noun.communication)
:omen, portent, presage, prodigy, prognostic, prognostication,
definition:a sign of something about to happen (noun.event)
definition:a favorable omen (noun.event)
:augur, auspex,
definition:(ancient Rome) a religious official who interpreted omens to guide public policy (noun.person)
:adumbrative, foreshadowing, prefigurative,
definition:indistinctly prophetic (adj.all)
:predictive, prognostic, prognosticative,
definition:of or relating to prediction; having value for making predictions (adj.all)
8. make a prediction about; tell in advance (verb.communication)
:anticipation, prediction, prevision,
definition:the act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future) (noun.cognition)
:prognostication, prophecy, vaticination,
definition:knowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source) (noun.cognition)
:forecasting, foretelling, prediction, prognostication,
definition:a statement made about the future (noun.communication)
:forecast, prognosis,
definition:a prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop (noun.communication)
definition:an unfavorable omen (noun.event)
:boding, foreboding, premonition, presentiment,
definition:a feeling of evil to come (noun.feeling)
:forecaster, predictor, prognosticator, soothsayer,
definition:someone who makes predictions of the future (usually on the basis of special knowledge) (noun.person)
:anticipatory, prevenient,
definition:in anticipation (adj.all)
:predictive, prognostic, prognosticative,
definition:of or relating to prediction; having value for making predictions (adj.all)
9. foreshadow or presage (verb.communication)
definition:an indicator that announces which electrical circuit has been active (as on a telephone switchboard) (noun.artifact)
:forerunner, harbinger, herald, precursor, predecessor,
definition:something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone (noun.communication)

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