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1. the quality of being divine (noun.attribute)
definition:an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone (noun.attribute)
2. the rational and systematic study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truth (noun.cognition)
:bailiwick, discipline, field, field of study, study, subject, subject area, subject field,
definition:a branch of knowledge (noun.cognition)
definition:the branch of theology that is concerned with angels (noun.cognition)
definition:the branch of theology that is concerned with the defense of Christian doctrines (noun.cognition)
definition:the branch of theology concerned with the nature and the constitution and the functions of a church (noun.cognition)
definition:the branch of theology that is concerned with such final things as death and Last Judgment; Heaven and Hell; the ultimate destiny of humankind (noun.cognition)
definition:the branch of theology that deals with principles of exegesis (noun.cognition)
definition:the branch of theology that deals with sermons and homilies (noun.cognition)
:liturgics, liturgiology,
definition:the study of liturgies (noun.cognition)
definition:the branch of theology that defends God's goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil (noun.cognition)
:redemption, salvation,
definition:(theology) the act of delivering from sin or saving from evil (noun.act)
definition:(theology) God's act of bringing the universe into existence (noun.act)
definition:the learned profession acquired by specialized courses in religion (usually taught at a college or seminary) (noun.act)
definition:(theology) in Roman Catholicism, the place of unbaptized but innocent or righteous souls (such as infants and virtuous individuals) (noun.cognition)
definition:(theology) in Roman Catholic theology the place where those who have died in a state of grace undergo limited torment to expiate their sins (noun.cognition)
:divine guidance, inspiration,
definition:(theology) a special influence of a divinity on the minds of human beings (noun.cognition)
definition:(theology) the doctrine that Jesus was a union of the human and the divine (noun.cognition)
:foreordination, predestination, predetermination, preordination,
definition:(theology) being determined in advance; especially the doctrine (usually associated with Calvin) that God has foreordained every event throughout eternity (including the final salvation of mankind) (noun.cognition)
:theological system, theology,
definition:a particular system or school of religious beliefs and teachings (noun.cognition)
:minor, venial,
definition:warranting only temporal punishment (adj.all)
:deadly, mortal,
definition:involving loss of divine grace or spiritual death (adj.all)
:universalist, universalistic,
definition:of or relating to or tending toward universalism (adj.pert)
:fundamentalist, fundamentalistic,
definition:of or relating to or tending toward fundamentalism (adj.pert)
:catechetic, catechetical,
definition:of or relating to or involving catechesis (adj.pert)
3. white creamy fudge made with egg whites (
definition:soft creamy candy (
4. any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force (noun.person)
:spiritual being, supernatural being,
definition:an incorporeal being believed to have powers to affect the course of human events (noun.person)
:daemon, demigod,
definition:a person who is part mortal and part god (noun.person)
:sea god,
definition:a deity that personifies the sea and is usually believed to live in or to control the sea (noun.person)
:sun god,
definition:a god that personifies the sun or is otherwise associated with the sun (noun.person)
:celtic deity,
definition:a deity worshipped by the Celts (noun.person)
:egyptian deity,
definition:a deity worshipped by the ancient Egyptians (noun.person)
:semitic deity,
definition:a deity worshipped by the ancient Semites (noun.person)
:hindu deity,
definition:a deity worshipped by the Hindus (noun.person)
:persian deity,
definition:a deity worshiped by the ancient Persians (noun.person)
:chinese deity,
definition:a deity worshipped by the ancient Chinese (noun.person)
:japanese deity,
definition:a deity worshipped by the Japanese (noun.person)
definition:a female deity (noun.person)
:earth god, earth-god,
definition:a god of fertility and vegetation (noun.person)
definition:a subordinate deity, in some philosophies the creator of the universe (noun.person)
:graeco-roman deity, greco-roman deity,
definition:a deity of classical mythology (noun.person)
:greek deity,
definition:a deity worshipped by the ancient Greeks (noun.person)
:roman deity,
definition:a deity worshipped by the ancient Romans (noun.person)
:norse deity,
definition:a deity worshipped by the ancient Norsemen (noun.person)
:teutonic deity,
definition:(German mythology) a deity worshipped by the ancient Teutons (noun.person)
:anglo-saxon deity,
definition:(Anglo-Saxon mythology) a deity worshipped by the Anglo-Saxons (noun.person)
:phrygian deity,
definition:deity of the ancient Phrygians of west central Asia Minor (noun.person)
definition:a person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization (noun.person)
:god of war, war god,
definition:a god worshipped as giving victory in war (noun.person)
:snake god, zombi, zombie,
definition:a god of voodoo cults of African origin worshipped especially in West Indies (noun.person)
definition:(Greek mythology) a mysterious and terrifying deity of the underworld (noun.person)
definition:(Greek mythology) the Greek god of sleep; the son of Nyx (noun.person)
definition:the Roman god of sleep and dreams (noun.person)
:boddhisatva, bodhisattva,
definition:Buddhist worthy of nirvana who postpones it to help others (noun.person)
:arhant, arhat, lohan,
definition:a Buddhist who has attained nirvana (noun.person)
definition:an Aztec deity represented as a plumed serpent (noun.person)
definition:all the gods of a religion (
5. the quality of being divine (noun.attribute)
definition:devoted to or in the service or worship of a deity (adj.all)
6. the rational and systematic study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truth (noun.cognition)
:theologian, theologiser, theologist, theologizer,
definition:someone who is learned in theology or who speculates about theology (noun.person)
definition:of or relating to or concerning theology (adj.pert)
7. any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force (noun.person)
definition:consider as a god or godlike (verb.cognition)
:divine, godlike,
definition:being or having the nature of a god (adj.all)
8. the quality of being divine (noun.attribute)
definition:devoted to or in the service or worship of a deity (adj.all)
9. the rational and systematic study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truth (noun.cognition)
:theologian, theologiser, theologist, theologizer,
definition:someone who is learned in theology or who speculates about theology (noun.person)
definition:of or relating to or concerning theology (adj.pert)
10. any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force (noun.person)
definition:consider as a god or godlike (verb.cognition)
:divine, godlike,
definition:being or having the nature of a god (adj.all)

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