gymnosperm family
English Thesaurus
1. a family of gymnosperms (noun.plant)
hypernym | : | plant family, |
definition | : | a family of plants (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | family gnetaceae, gnetaceae, |
definition | : | plants having small unisexual flowers and fleshy or winged fruit: in some classifications includes the genera Ephedra and Welwitschia as well as genus Gnetum (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | ephedraceae, family ephedraceae, |
definition | : | ephedras: in some classifications included in the Gnetaceae (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | family welwitschiaceae, welwitschiaceae, |
definition | : | in some classifications included in the Gnetaceae (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | cycad family, cycadaceae, family cycadaceae, |
definition | : | ancient palmlike plants closely related to ferns in that fertilization is by means of spermatozoids (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | family zamiaceae, zamia family, zamiaceae, |
definition | : | a family of cycads often included in the family Cycadaceae: zamias (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | bennettitaceae, family bennettitaceae, |
definition | : | a family of fossil gymnospermous plants of the Carboniferous (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | cordaitaceae, family cordaitaceae, |
definition | : | chiefly Paleozoic plants; Cordaites is the chief and typical genus (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | family pinaceae, pinaceae, pine family, |
definition | : | a family of Pinaceae (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | cupressaceae, cypress family, family cupressaceae, |
definition | : | cypresses and junipers and many cedars (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | redwood family, subfamily taxodiaceae, taxodiaceae, |
definition | : | coniferous trees; traditionally considered an independent family though recently included in Cupressaceae in some classification systems (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | araucaria family, araucariaceae, family araucariaceae, |
definition | : | tall evergreen cone-bearing trees of South America and Australia with broad leathery leaves; in some classifications included in the Pinaceae (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | cephalotaxaceae, family cephalotaxaceae, plum-yew family, |
definition | : | a family of Cephalotaxaceae (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | family phyllocladaceae, phyllocladaceae, |
definition | : | a family of Phyllocladaceae (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | family podocarpaceae, podocarpaceae, podocarpus family, |
definition | : | gymnosperms with simple persistent needlelike or scalelike leaves (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | family sciadopityaceae, sciadopityaceae, |
definition | : | family comprising a single genus that until recently was considered part of Taxodiaceae (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | family taxaceae, taxaceae, yew family, |
definition | : | sometimes classified as member of order Taxales (noun.plant) |
hyponym | : | family ginkgoaceae, ginkgo family, ginkgoaceae, |
definition | : | constituting the order Ginkgoales; includes the genus Ginkgo and extinct forms (noun.plant) |
member meronym | : | class gymnospermae, division gymnospermophyta, gymnospermae, gymnospermophyta, |
definition | : | plants having naked seeds not enclosed in an ovary; in some systems considered a class (Gymnospermae) and in others a division (Gymnospermophyta); comprises three subdivisions (or classes): Cycadophytina (class Cycadopsida) and Gnetophytina (class Gnetopsida) and Coniferophytina (class Coniferopsida); in some classifications the Coniferophytina are divided into three groups: Pinophytina (class Pinopsida) and Ginkgophytina (class Ginkgopsida) and Taxophytina (class Taxopsida) (noun.plant) |
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