cabbage butterfly
English Thesaurus
1. white butterfly whose larvae (cabbageworms) feed on cabbage (noun.animal)
hypernym | : | pierid, pierid butterfly, |
definition | : | any of numerous pale-colored butterflies having three pairs of well-developed legs (noun.animal) |
hyponym | : | pieris rapae, small white, |
definition | : | small widely distributed form (noun.animal) |
hyponym | : | large white, pieris brassicae, |
definition | : | Old World form of cabbage butterfly (noun.animal) |
hyponym | : | pieris protodice, southern cabbage butterfly, |
definition | : | common North American form of cabbage butterfly (noun.animal) |
member meronym | : | family pieridae, pieridae, |
definition | : | arthropod family including cabbage butterflies; sulphur butterflies (noun.animal) |
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