English Thesaurus
1. causing to move repeatedly from side to side (noun.act)
hypernym | : | agitation, |
definition | : | the act of agitating something; causing it to move around (usually vigorously) (noun.act) |
2. a witty amusing person who makes jokes (noun.person)
domain usage | : | colloquialism, |
definition | : | a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech (noun.communication) |
3. move from side to side (verb.motion)
4. causing to move repeatedly from side to side (noun.act)
5. a witty amusing person who makes jokes (noun.person)
derivation | : | witty, |
definition | : | combining clever conception and facetious expression (adj.all) |
6. move from side to side (verb.motion)
7. causing to move repeatedly from side to side (noun.act)
8. a witty amusing person who makes jokes (noun.person)
derivation | : | witty, |
definition | : | combining clever conception and facetious expression (adj.all) |
9. move from side to side (verb.motion)
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