English Thesaurus
1. someone who expresses in language; someone who talks (especially someone who delivers a public speech or someone especially garrulous) (noun.person)
hypernym | : | articulator, |
definition | : | someone who pronounces words (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | alliterator, |
definition | : | a speaker or writer who makes use of alliteration (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | dictator, |
definition | : | a speaker who dictates to a secretary or a recording machine (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | drawler, |
definition | : | someone who speaks with a drawl (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | driveller, jabberer, |
definition | : | someone whose talk is trivial drivel (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | ejaculator, |
definition | : | a speaker who utters a sudden exclamation (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | growler, |
definition | : | a speaker whose voice sounds like a growl (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | lecturer, |
definition | : | someone who lectures professionally (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | lisper, |
definition | : | a speaker who lisps (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | mentioner, |
definition | : | a speaker who refers to something briefly or incidentally (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | motormouth, |
definition | : | someone who talks incessantly (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | prattler, |
definition | : | someone who speaks in a childish way (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | ranter, raver, |
definition | : | someone who rants and raves; speaks in a violent or loud manner (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | reciter, |
definition | : | someone who recites from memory (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | native speaker, |
definition | : | a speaker of a particular language who has spoken that language since earliest childhood (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | stammerer, stutterer, |
definition | : | someone who speaks with involuntary pauses and repetitions (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | stentor, |
definition | : | a speaker with an unusually loud voice (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | talking head, |
definition | : | a talker on television who talks directly into the cameras and whose upper body is all that is shown on the screen (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | venter, |
definition | : | a speaker who expresses or gives vent to a personal opinion or grievance (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | vociferator, |
definition | : | a loud and vehement speaker (usually in protest) (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | voicer, |
definition | : | a speaker who voices an opinion (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | wailer, |
definition | : | a mourner who utters long loud high-pitched cries (noun.person) |
hyponym | : | whisperer, |
definition | : | one who speaks in a whisper (noun.person) |
derivation | : | lecture, talk, |
definition | : | deliver a lecture or talk (verb.communication) |
derivation | : | speak, talk, |
definition | : | use language (verb.communication) |
derivation | : | lecture, talk, |
definition | : | deliver a lecture or talk (verb.communication) |
derivation | : | speak, talk, |
definition | : | use language (verb.communication) |
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