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1. gibberish resembling the sounds of a baby (noun.communication)
:gibber, gibberish,
definition:unintelligible talking (noun.communication)
2. divulge confidential information or secrets (verb.communication)
:break, bring out, disclose, discover, divulge, expose, give away, let on, let out, reveal, unwrap,
definition:make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret (verb.communication)
:spill, talk,
definition:reveal information (verb.communication)
3. to talk foolishly (verb.communication)
:blab, blabber, chatter, clack, gabble, gibber, maunder, palaver, piffle, prate, prattle, tattle, tittle-tattle, twaddle,
definition:speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly (verb.communication)
4. utter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way (verb.communication)
:mouth, speak, talk, utter, verbalise, verbalize,
definition:express in speech (verb.communication)
5. flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise (verb.perception)
:go, sound,
definition:make a certain noise or sound (verb.perception)
definition:make sounds similar to gurgling water (verb.perception)
6. gibberish resembling the sounds of a baby (noun.communication)
:babble, blather, blether, blither, smatter,
definition:to talk foolishly (verb.communication)
definition:utter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way (verb.communication)
7. divulge confidential information or secrets (verb.communication)
:keep one's mouth shut, keep quiet, shut one's mouth,
definition:refrain from divulging sensitive information; keep quiet about confidential information (verb.communication)
:singing, tattle, telling,
definition:disclosing information or giving evidence about another (noun.communication)
:talk, talk of the town,
definition:idle gossip or rumor (noun.communication)
:betrayer, blabber, informer, rat, squealer,
definition:one who reveals confidential information in return for money (noun.person)
:blabbermouth, talebearer, taleteller, tattler, tattletale, telltale,
definition:someone who gossips indiscreetly (noun.person)
:bigmouthed, blabbermouthed, blabby, talkative,
definition:unwisely talking too much (adj.all)
8. to talk foolishly (verb.communication)
:babble, babbling, lallation,
definition:gibberish resembling the sounds of a baby (noun.communication)
:blather, blatherskite,
definition:foolish gibberish (noun.communication)
:blether, chin music, idle talk, prate, prattle,
definition:idle or foolish and irrelevant talk (noun.communication)
:babbler, chatterbox, chatterer, magpie, prater, spouter,
definition:an obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker (noun.person)
9. utter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way (verb.communication)
:babble, babbling, lallation,
definition:gibberish resembling the sounds of a baby (noun.communication)
:babbler, chatterbox, chatterer, magpie, prater, spouter,
definition:an obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker (noun.person)
10. flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise (verb.perception)
:bubbler, drinking fountain, water fountain,
definition:a public fountain to provide a jet of drinking water (noun.artifact)
:riffle, ripple, rippling, wavelet,
definition:a small wave on the surface of a liquid (noun.event)
definition:the bubbling sound of water flowing from a bottle with a narrow neck (noun.event)
definition:a hollow globule of gas (e.g., air or carbon dioxide) (noun.object)
11. gibberish resembling the sounds of a baby (noun.communication)
:babble, blather, blether, blither, smatter,
definition:to talk foolishly (verb.communication)
definition:utter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way (verb.communication)
12. divulge confidential information or secrets (verb.communication)
:keep one's mouth shut, keep quiet, shut one's mouth,
definition:refrain from divulging sensitive information; keep quiet about confidential information (verb.communication)
:singing, tattle, telling,
definition:disclosing information or giving evidence about another (noun.communication)
:talk, talk of the town,
definition:idle gossip or rumor (noun.communication)
:betrayer, blabber, informer, rat, squealer,
definition:one who reveals confidential information in return for money (noun.person)
:blabbermouth, talebearer, taleteller, tattler, tattletale, telltale,
definition:someone who gossips indiscreetly (noun.person)
:bigmouthed, blabbermouthed, blabby, talkative,
definition:unwisely talking too much (adj.all)
13. to talk foolishly (verb.communication)
:babble, babbling, lallation,
definition:gibberish resembling the sounds of a baby (noun.communication)
:blather, blatherskite,
definition:foolish gibberish (noun.communication)
:blether, chin music, idle talk, prate, prattle,
definition:idle or foolish and irrelevant talk (noun.communication)
:babbler, chatterbox, chatterer, magpie, prater, spouter,
definition:an obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker (noun.person)
14. utter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way (verb.communication)
:babble, babbling, lallation,
definition:gibberish resembling the sounds of a baby (noun.communication)
:babbler, chatterbox, chatterer, magpie, prater, spouter,
definition:an obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker (noun.person)
15. flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise (verb.perception)
:bubbler, drinking fountain, water fountain,
definition:a public fountain to provide a jet of drinking water (noun.artifact)
:riffle, ripple, rippling, wavelet,
definition:a small wave on the surface of a liquid (noun.event)
definition:the bubbling sound of water flowing from a bottle with a narrow neck (noun.event)
definition:a hollow globule of gas (e.g., air or carbon dioxide) (noun.object)

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