English Thesaurus
1. a woman with abnormal sexual desires (noun.person)
hypernym | : | degenerate, deviant, deviate, pervert, |
definition | : | a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior (noun.person) |
2. (used of women) affected with excessive sexual desire (adj.all)
3. a woman with abnormal sexual desires (noun.person)
4. (used of women) affected with excessive sexual desire (adj.all)
derivation | : | nymphomania, |
definition | : | abnormally intense sexual desire in women (noun.feeling) |
derivation | : | nympho, nymphomaniac, |
definition | : | a woman with abnormal sexual desires (noun.person) |
5. a woman with abnormal sexual desires (noun.person)
6. (used of women) affected with excessive sexual desire (adj.all)
derivation | : | nymphomania, |
definition | : | abnormally intense sexual desire in women (noun.feeling) |
derivation | : | nympho, nymphomaniac, |
definition | : | a woman with abnormal sexual desires (noun.person) |
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