English Thesaurus
1. a mature blood cell that contains hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the bodily tissues; a biconcave disc that has no nucleus (noun.body)
hyponym | : | macrocyte, megalocyte, |
definition | : | abnormally large red blood cell (associated with pernicious anemia) (noun.body) |
hyponym | : | megaloblast, |
definition | : | abnormally large red blood cell present in pernicious anemia and folic acid deficiency (noun.body) |
hyponym | : | acanthocyte, |
definition | : | an abnormal red blood cell that has thorny projections of protoplasm (noun.body) |
hyponym | : | microcyte, |
definition | : | an abnormally small red blood cell (less than 5 microns in diameter) (noun.body) |
hyponym | : | reticulocyte, |
definition | : | an immature red blood cell containing a network of filaments or granules (noun.body) |
hyponym | : | sickle cell, |
definition | : | an abnormal red blood cell that has a crescent shape and an abnormal form of hemoglobin (noun.body) |
hyponym | : | siderocyte, |
definition | : | an abnormal red blood cell containing granules of iron not bound in hemoglobin (noun.body) |
hyponym | : | spherocyte, |
definition | : | an abnormal spherical red blood cell (noun.body) |
hyponym | : | target cell, |
definition | : | an abnormal red blood cell with the appearance of a dark ring surrounding a dark center; associated with anemia (noun.body) |
substance holonym | : | haemoglobin, hb, hemoglobin, |
definition | : | a hemoprotein composed of globin and heme that gives red blood cells their characteristic color; function primarily to transport oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues (noun.substance) |
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