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independent agency

English Thesaurus

1. an agency of the United States government that is created by an act of Congress and is independent of the executive departments (
:agency, authority, bureau, federal agency, government agency, office,
definition:an administrative unit of government (
:nrc, nuclear regulatory commission,
definition:an independent federal agency created in 1974 to license and regulate nuclear power plants (
:environmental protection agency, epa,
definition:an independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment (
:federal emergency management agency, fema,
definition:an independent agency of the United States government that provides a single point of accountability for all federal emergency preparedness and mitigation and response activities (
:central intelligence agency, cia,
definition:an independent agency of the United States government responsible for collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the national interest; headed by the Director of Central Intelligence under the supervision of the President and National Security Council (
:icc, interstate commerce commission,
definition:a former independent federal agency that supervised and set rates for carriers that transported goods and people between states; was terminated in 1995 (
:nasa, national aeronautics and space administration,
definition:an independent agency of the United States government responsible for aviation and spaceflight (
:nara, national archives and records administration,
definition:the independent agency that oversees management of federal government records including presidential libraries and historic collections (
:national labor relations board, nlrb,
definition:an independent agency of the United States government charged with mediating disputes between management and labor unions (
:national science foundation, nsf,
definition:an independent agency of the federal government responsible for the promotion of progress in science and engineering by supporting programs in research and education (
:postal rate commission,
definition:an independent federal agency that recommends changes in postal rates (
:united states postal service, us postal service, usps,
definition:an independent federal agency that provides mail processing and delivery service for individuals and businesses in the United States (
:united states postal inspection service, us postal inspection service,
definition:the primary law enforcement arm of the United States Postal Service (
:fcc, federal communications commission,
definition:an independent government agency that regulates interstate and international communications by radio and television and wire and cable and satellite (
:social security administration, ssa,
definition:an independent government agency responsible for the Social Security system (
:po, post office, united states post office, us post office,
definition:an independent agency of the federal government responsible for mail delivery (and sometimes telecommunications) between individuals and businesses in the United States (
:federal trade commission, ftc,
definition:an independent agency of the United States federal government that maintains fair and free competition; enforces federal antitrust laws; educates the public about identity theft (
:office of inspector general, oig,
definition:the investigative arm of the Federal Trade Commission (
:general services administration, gsa,
definition:a central management agency that sets Federal policy for Federal procurement and real property management and information resources management (
:federal protective service, fps,
definition:an agency in the General Services Administration that is a security organization to provide a safe environment where Federal agencies can conduct their business (
:sba, small business administration,
definition:an independent agency of the United States government that protects the interests of small businesses and ensures that they receive a fair share of government contracts (
:selective service, selective service system, sss,
definition:an independent federal agency that administers compulsory military service (
:sec, securities and exchange commission,
definition:an independent federal agency that oversees the exchange of securities to protect investors (
:america, the states, u.s., u.s.a., united states, united states of america, us, usa,
definition:North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776 (noun.location)

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