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1. make mention of (verb.communication)
:say, state, tell,
definition:express in words (verb.communication)
:comment, notice, point out, remark,
definition:make or write a comment on (verb.communication)
2. observe with care or pay close attention to (verb.perception)
:comprehend, perceive,
definition:to become aware of through the senses (verb.perception)
3. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of (verb.perception)
:sight, spy,
definition:catch sight of; to perceive with the eyes (verb.perception)
:catch out, find out,
definition:trap; especially in an error or in a reprehensible act (verb.cognition)
definition:detect some circumstance or entity automatically (verb.perception)
definition:find an instance of (a word or particular usage of a word) (verb.perception)
definition:discover traces of (verb.perception)
definition:observe as if with an eye (verb.perception)
:discover, find,
definition:make a discovery, make a new finding (verb.creation)
4. watch attentively (verb.perception)
definition:look attentively (verb.perception)
:bird, birdwatch,
definition:watch and study birds in their natural habitat (verb.competition)
:monitor, supervise,
definition:keep tabs on; keep an eye on; keep under surveillance (verb.perception)
definition:check, track, or observe by means of a receiver (verb.perception)
:reconnoiter, reconnoitre, scout,
definition:explore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody (verb.perception)
definition:observe or plot the moving path of something (verb.perception)
5. follow with the eyes or the mind (
:check, check into, check out, check over, check up on, go over, look into, suss out,
definition:examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition (verb.cognition)
:keep tabs on,
definition:keep a record on or watch attentively (
definition:to keep watch over (
:invigilate, proctor,
definition:watch over (students taking an exam, to prevent cheating) (
:follow, trace,
definition:follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something (verb.cognition)
6. show respect towards (
definition:consider or hold as true (verb.cognition)
:celebrate, lionise, lionize,
definition:assign great social importance to (
definition:recognize and respect (rights and beliefs of others) (
7. behave as expected during of holidays or rites (
:commemorate, mark,
definition:mark by some ceremony or observation (verb.cognition)
definition:observe the customs of mourning after the death of a loved one (verb.emotion)
:solemnise, solemnize,
definition:observe or perform with dignity or gravity (
8. conform one's action or practice to (
:make good,
definition:act as promised (
9. stick to correctly or closely (verb.cognition)
:observance, observation, watching,
definition:the act of observing; taking a patient look (noun.act)
definition:the act of making and recording a measurement (noun.act)
:notice, observance, observation,
definition:the act of noticing or paying attention (noun.cognition)
definition:facts learned by observing (noun.cognition)
:observation, reflection, reflexion,
definition:a remark expressing careful consideration (noun.communication)
10. make mention of (verb.communication)
:notice, observance, observation,
definition:the act of noticing or paying attention (noun.cognition)
:annotation, notation, note,
definition:a comment or instruction (usually added) (noun.communication)
:comment, input, remark,
definition:a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information (noun.communication)
:mention, reference,
definition:a remark that calls attention to something or someone (noun.communication)
definition:a speaker who refers to something briefly or incidentally (noun.person)
:commentator, observer,
definition:an expert who observes and comments on something (noun.person)
11. observe with care or pay close attention to (verb.perception)
:observance, observation, watching,
definition:the act of observing; taking a patient look (noun.act)
:notice, observance, observation,
definition:the act of noticing or paying attention (noun.cognition)
definition:facts learned by observing (noun.cognition)
:observation, reflection, reflexion,
definition:a remark expressing careful consideration (noun.communication)
:beholder, observer, perceiver, percipient,
definition:a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses (noun.person)
definition:paying close attention especially to details (adj.all)
:discernible, evident, observable,
definition:capable of being seen or noticed (adj.all)
12. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of (verb.perception)
:discovery, find, uncovering,
definition:the act of discovering something (noun.act)
:catching, detection, espial, spotting, spying,
definition:the act of detecting something; catching sight of something (noun.act)
:determination, finding,
definition:the act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation (noun.act)
:detecting, detection, detective work, sleuthing,
definition:a police investigation to determine the perpetrator (noun.act)
definition:the act of making and recording a measurement (noun.act)
:detector, sensing element, sensor,
definition:any device that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc.) and responds to it in a distinctive manner (noun.artifact)
definition:electronic equipment that detects the presence of radio signals or radioactivity (noun.artifact)
:notice, observance, observation,
definition:the act of noticing or paying attention (noun.cognition)
:breakthrough, discovery, find,
definition:a productive insight (noun.cognition)
definition:facts learned by observing (noun.cognition)
:observation, reflection, reflexion,
definition:a remark expressing careful consideration (noun.communication)
definition:something that is discovered (noun.communication)
definition:something that is found (noun.object)
:beholder, observer, perceiver, percipient,
definition:a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses (noun.person)
:discoverer, finder, spotter,
definition:someone who is the first to observe something (noun.person)
:discernible, evident, observable,
definition:capable of being seen or noticed (adj.all)
:observant, observing,
definition:quick to notice; showing quick and keen perception (adj.all)
13. watch attentively (verb.perception)
:observance, observation, watching,
definition:the act of observing; taking a patient look (noun.act)
:notice, observance, observation,
definition:the act of noticing or paying attention (noun.cognition)
definition:facts learned by observing (noun.cognition)
:observation, reflection, reflexion,
definition:a remark expressing careful consideration (noun.communication)
:discernible, evident, observable,
definition:capable of being seen or noticed (adj.all)
14. follow with the eyes or the mind (
:observance, observation, watching,
definition:the act of observing; taking a patient look (noun.act)
:vigil, watch,
definition:a purposeful surveillance to guard or observe (noun.act)
:notice, observance, observation,
definition:the act of noticing or paying attention (noun.cognition)
definition:facts learned by observing (noun.cognition)
:observation, reflection, reflexion,
definition:a remark expressing careful consideration (noun.communication)
:beholder, observer, perceiver, percipient,
definition:a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses (noun.person)
15. show respect towards (
definition:show a lack of respect for (
:honoring, observance,
definition:conformity with law or custom or practice etc. (noun.act)
:deference, respect,
definition:a courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard (noun.act)
:deference, respect, respectfulness,
definition:courteous regard for people's feelings (noun.attribute)
:esteem, regard, respect,
definition:an attitude of admiration or esteem (noun.cognition)
:regard, respect,
definition:a feeling of friendship and esteem (noun.feeling)
definition:a person who respects someone or something; usually used in the negative (noun.person)
:esteem, regard, respect,
definition:the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded) (noun.state)
:estimable, good, honorable, respectable,
definition:deserving of esteem and respect (adj.all)
16. behave as expected during of holidays or rites (
:celebration, festivity,
definition:any joyous diversion (noun.act)
:celebration, solemnisation, solemnization,
definition:the public performance of a sacrament or solemn ceremony with all appropriate ritual (noun.act)
:celebration, jubilation,
definition:a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event (noun.event)
:ceremonial, ceremonial occasion, ceremony, observance,
definition:a formal event performed on a special occasion (noun.event)
:celebrant, celebrater, celebrator,
definition:a person who is celebrating (noun.person)
:law-abiding, observant,
definition:(of individuals) adhering strictly to laws and rules and customs (adj.all)
17. conform one's action or practice to (
:breach, break, go against, infract, offend, transgress, violate,
definition:act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises (
:honoring, observance,
definition:conformity with law or custom or practice etc. (noun.act)
definition:conformity or harmony (noun.act)
18. stick to correctly or closely (verb.cognition)
:observance, observation, watching,
definition:the act of observing; taking a patient look (noun.act)
definition:the act of making and recording a measurement (noun.act)
:notice, observance, observation,
definition:the act of noticing or paying attention (noun.cognition)
definition:facts learned by observing (noun.cognition)
:observation, reflection, reflexion,
definition:a remark expressing careful consideration (noun.communication)
19. make mention of (verb.communication)
:notice, observance, observation,
definition:the act of noticing or paying attention (noun.cognition)
:annotation, notation, note,
definition:a comment or instruction (usually added) (noun.communication)
:comment, input, remark,
definition:a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information (noun.communication)
:mention, reference,
definition:a remark that calls attention to something or someone (noun.communication)
definition:a speaker who refers to something briefly or incidentally (noun.person)
:commentator, observer,
definition:an expert who observes and comments on something (noun.person)
20. observe with care or pay close attention to (verb.perception)
:observance, observation, watching,
definition:the act of observing; taking a patient look (noun.act)
:notice, observance, observation,
definition:the act of noticing or paying attention (noun.cognition)
definition:facts learned by observing (noun.cognition)
:observation, reflection, reflexion,
definition:a remark expressing careful consideration (noun.communication)
:beholder, observer, perceiver, percipient,
definition:a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses (noun.person)
definition:paying close attention especially to details (adj.all)
:discernible, evident, observable,
definition:capable of being seen or noticed (adj.all)
21. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of (verb.perception)
:discovery, find, uncovering,
definition:the act of discovering something (noun.act)
:catching, detection, espial, spotting, spying,
definition:the act of detecting something; catching sight of something (noun.act)
:determination, finding,
definition:the act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation (noun.act)
:detecting, detection, detective work, sleuthing,
definition:a police investigation to determine the perpetrator (noun.act)
definition:the act of making and recording a measurement (noun.act)
:detector, sensing element, sensor,
definition:any device that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc.) and responds to it in a distinctive manner (noun.artifact)
definition:electronic equipment that detects the presence of radio signals or radioactivity (noun.artifact)
:notice, observance, observation,
definition:the act of noticing or paying attention (noun.cognition)
:breakthrough, discovery, find,
definition:a productive insight (noun.cognition)
definition:facts learned by observing (noun.cognition)
:observation, reflection, reflexion,
definition:a remark expressing careful consideration (noun.communication)
definition:something that is discovered (noun.communication)
definition:something that is found (noun.object)
:beholder, observer, perceiver, percipient,
definition:a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses (noun.person)
:discoverer, finder, spotter,
definition:someone who is the first to observe something (noun.person)
:discernible, evident, observable,
definition:capable of being seen or noticed (adj.all)
:observant, observing,
definition:quick to notice; showing quick and keen perception (adj.all)
22. watch attentively (verb.perception)
:observance, observation, watching,
definition:the act of observing; taking a patient look (noun.act)
:notice, observance, observation,
definition:the act of noticing or paying attention (noun.cognition)
definition:facts learned by observing (noun.cognition)
:observation, reflection, reflexion,
definition:a remark expressing careful consideration (noun.communication)
:discernible, evident, observable,
definition:capable of being seen or noticed (adj.all)
23. follow with the eyes or the mind (
:observance, observation, watching,
definition:the act of observing; taking a patient look (noun.act)
:vigil, watch,
definition:a purposeful surveillance to guard or observe (noun.act)
:notice, observance, observation,
definition:the act of noticing or paying attention (noun.cognition)
definition:facts learned by observing (noun.cognition)
:observation, reflection, reflexion,
definition:a remark expressing careful consideration (noun.communication)
:beholder, observer, perceiver, percipient,
definition:a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses (noun.person)
24. show respect towards (
definition:show a lack of respect for (
:honoring, observance,
definition:conformity with law or custom or practice etc. (noun.act)
:deference, respect,
definition:a courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard (noun.act)
:deference, respect, respectfulness,
definition:courteous regard for people's feelings (noun.attribute)
:esteem, regard, respect,
definition:an attitude of admiration or esteem (noun.cognition)
:regard, respect,
definition:a feeling of friendship and esteem (noun.feeling)
definition:a person who respects someone or something; usually used in the negative (noun.person)
:esteem, regard, respect,
definition:the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded) (noun.state)
:estimable, good, honorable, respectable,
definition:deserving of esteem and respect (adj.all)
25. behave as expected during of holidays or rites (
:celebration, festivity,
definition:any joyous diversion (noun.act)
:celebration, solemnisation, solemnization,
definition:the public performance of a sacrament or solemn ceremony with all appropriate ritual (noun.act)
:celebration, jubilation,
definition:a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event (noun.event)
:ceremonial, ceremonial occasion, ceremony, observance,
definition:a formal event performed on a special occasion (noun.event)
:celebrant, celebrater, celebrator,
definition:a person who is celebrating (noun.person)
:law-abiding, observant,
definition:(of individuals) adhering strictly to laws and rules and customs (adj.all)
26. conform one's action or practice to (
:breach, break, go against, infract, offend, transgress, violate,
definition:act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises (
:honoring, observance,
definition:conformity with law or custom or practice etc. (noun.act)
definition:conformity or harmony (noun.act)

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